Marquee Elegance Hire Blog, Ideas and Inspiration
Best-ival advice for Festivals seeking a Marquee Supplier
Your responsible for choosing a marquee supplier to install structures for your festival. An error in judgement here can lead to the failure of your event.
How do you avoid making a colossal blunder?
By following the advice below, you will be better informed to make the right decision.
The easiest way to filter out the competition
The most important factor in choosing the right marquee supplier for your festival is to make sure they're accredited by MUTA, which is the No. 1 trade body associated within the marquee hire industry. Members of MUTA have to follow strict codes of practice and submit themselves to independant inspection to maintain a high quality, safe, and professional service.
Why not ask your prospective firm for their MUTA reviews; and score, the closer to 100, the better!
Here at Marquee Elegance, our score has increased year on year to currently 77
How to narrow down the competition further
Is it apparent the company can effortlessly provide what your seeking. Have they the experience in installing structures at large scale events. Marquee Elegance have been operating for over 20 years and in such time have built up not only a wealth of knowledge but also leading innovative equipment to make sure your event meets all the latest industry regulations.
A recent example
Marquee Elegance emphaised it's professionalism with a contract for Loudsound, the production firm behind Bestival, a boutique music festival; and Camp Bestival, a festival that combines an all-encompassing family festival experience with an action packed camping holiday.
When asked to provide a hospital structure to meet the events' current requirements on a high bank overlooking the main arenas we showed no apprehension in suggesting how this challange can be overcome. Intergrating our latest Floorstak Flooring System, we we're able to install our structure on a monstrous slope much to the satisfaction of their health and safety manager.
Sifting through the remaining competition.
It sounds simple, but discovering the feedback from your preferred suppliers' existing clients is invaluable. Most firms will provide a list of contacts happy to give a positive opinion. Here at Marquee Elegance we go one step further and have a feedback system in place linked to our Google Review page which we ask each and every client to leave feedback upon. You'll be pleased to see that we currently hold 5 stars!
If you make sure that you follow the advice above, you can relax in the knowledge that you've carefully evaluated the competition, and you'll be sure to suceed in choosing the best Festival Marquee Supplier in your area.